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The France Additive Forum will take place from July 1 to 3, 2025 in the premises of Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) in Illkirch-Graffenstaden (South Strasbourg).
Quebec, with which France Additive has established a partnership, will be honored during this edition.
The France Additive Forum consists of plenary sessions in the main amphitheater of Télécom Physique and parallel sessions of special talks or workshops in the two secondary amphitheaters.
The topics that we wish to address during the France Additive Forum are listed below. Any other proposal on an innovative subject will be studied.
Deadline for submissions: February 28, 2025.
State of additive manufacturing in France, Quebec, Europe and the world
State of the art / innovation in additive manufacturing
Applications in different industrial sectors
Training and certification in additive manufacturing
We invite you to contribute to this Forum in several ways.
Contribution to Presentations:
With 20 minutes for communications and 30 minutes for plenary sessions, questions/answers included, the proposals will address one of the listed topics or any other innovative topic. Communications in the form of posters can also be proposed. A room is reserved to present the selected posters.
The program will be built from the selected proposals.
Contribution to the animation of specific workshops:
For one hour, the objective of the workshop is to explore a particular topic in depth. The workshop facilitator is responsible for its organization and animation. He chooses the relevant speakers and organizes its progress in the form of presentations and/or debates.
A generic presentation of the topic and its issues will be made in plenary session for the different workshops taking place in parallel, before the listeners each join the workshop they have chosen to follow.
Contribution to the Trophy of France Additive:
You can submit your innovations to the "Trophy of France Additive". 4 categories are in competition: Best Piece, Best Study, Best Application, Best Technological Breakthrough. Participation in the trophies is subject to registration at the Forum.
Contribution in the form of sponsorship:
You can also choose to participate in the overall financing of the event by becoming a sponsor (Platinum, Gold or Silver). Each sponsor will have at least one entrance, a kakemono in front of the theater entrance and a logo on a board projected in the rooms between sessions. The details of each level of sponsorship are available from the organization.
--> Send this proposal by email to forum@franceadditive.tech
--> Send this proposal by email to forum@franceadditive.tech
--> Please contact the organizing team for a specific offer: forum@franceadditive.tech