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The Forum France Additive is the bi-annual meeting of stakeholders in additive manufacturing. This event is aimed at all trades, all users, all suppliers of components of the additive manufacturing value chain.
The Forum France Additive succeeds the EFAM (European Forum on Additive Manufacturing).
In a new dynamic of collaboration with actors of Paris Saclay, it will take place over three days in person on the Saclay Scientific Plateau in collaboration with many actors in the field.
The France Additive Forum will be an opportunity to meet, share and exchange on the issues essential for the success of the development of additive manufacturing for a profitable and sustainable industry. In the context of France2030 and to support the growth of industrial activity in France, it is essential that the entire national ecosystem benefits from the latest advances in the field.
The Forum France Additive offers conferences on the main advances of the moment, on the perspectives of evolution of technologies and their applications, testimonials on other markets in the world as well as thematic workshops on topics crucial to the success of integration and implementation of the value chain around additive manufacturing. The presentations will allow you to discover scientific and technological advances through the testimonies of international speakers. All aspects of successful industrialization will be addressed, from the most up-to-date research to examples of integrated use of technologies, not to mention training and standardisation.
The Forum France Additive also includes visits, meetings, exchanges, friendly and fun moments shared in perfectly adapted spaces.
The Forum France Additive, it is also the « Trophée de France Additive » that will reward innovative achievements during the gala dinner.
Don’t miss the France Additive Forum and follow the information on the France Additive website
Clic here to buy your ticket : https://france-additive.assoconnect.com/collect/description/293975-e-forum-france-additive-2023
Please send an email to the next address: forum (at) franceadditive.tech